Events & News Blog Entries

Face - The Music

We are extremely grateful for fine art photographer Richard Ehrlich who donated his time, materials, and talent to photograph several Bay School students as part of his “Face – The Music” portrait series. He writes, “The purpose of this photography project is to capture, through portraiture, how artists FEEL emotionally while listening to music of their choice.” The photographs featured close-ups of our beautiful students’ faces as they enjoyed their favorite music. Some students gazed deeply into the camera, others looked into the distance, and one student closed his eyes as he listened intently. A rare 20x24 Polaroid camera (one of only four cameras of this genre left in the entire world!) was used to create the stunning, life-size instant black-and-white photographs. This camera weighed over two-hundred pounds, stood about five feet tall, and required a team of people to transport and operate. Mr. Ehrlich said it was “an exciting endeavor to have access to this historic camera which has been used in the 1980s by some of the most famous photographers.” It was an honor to have our students sit in front of a lens with such a rich history behind it. Mr. Ehrlich shared, "The project, although somewhat technically difficult, proved even better than I had envisioned. To capture the expression of your children listening to music spoke volumes to me as to their inner strength and determination. I was struck by the extraordinary commitment and expertise of your staff in [helping] these children and the project proved both challenging and exciting."  

To see more work by Richard Ehrlich, please visit